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Management of Parkinsonism through Ayurveda

Known as “ Kampvata” in Ayurveda, Parkinsonism is one of the common neurological   degenerative disorders found in the elderly. Ayurveda emphasizes on the disturbance of the Vata dosha & Mamsa and Majja dhatu in this condition. Ayurveda Treatment revolves around the Management of the Vata disturbance in the first stage and hence Oleation ( through Abhyanga & through Basti) and Fomentation ( Swedan ) form the basis of the treatment . Also depending on the presence of the Ama (biological toxins ) and the status of the Agni , Cleansing therapies and Rejuvenative therapies are recommended . Various effective herbs have also recommended in Ayurveda to tackle this situation.

Dr. Shubhangee teaches a lot of classes in the School of Ayurveda & welcomes you to her lecture at the Ayurvedafestival.