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Ayurvedic pathology

The new development within the school is to give more pathology in the training. The third year that is used to be an internship is now being trained.
Ayurvedic patology is about the development of disease according to the Ayurvedic 6-fold development model "sampling". Described in the old texts.
In these lessons we will discuss the development of certain disorders in more detail, following the 6 steps of illness. From the usual dosha 'disturbance, the accumulation, Sanchaya to the fatal phase, which then became a tri-dosha disturbance, Bheda. We focus on every phase of the six phases of various diseases. How do you recognize the different stages of the disease, you diagnosis them. Which treatments we can use at any stage. Treatment will focus mainly on Ayurvedic herbs and Ayurvedic product knowledge, massage & panchakarma.
We provide 5 weekends, which are mainly theoretical, there will also be case studies, but also a few life diagnoses we do under guidance of the Indian doctor of this block.
This block is the third year of our education, but if you are a student of Ayurveda, people who have followed a decent Ayurveda training elsewhere, a background in Ayurveda is required.
Accreditation in application, as a third year and as refresher training


1)   Holistic Approach of Ayurveda in Neurological disorders 
(30 november & 1 december 2019)
2)   Endocrinology and Ayurveda with special reference to Thyroid disorders
(18 & 19 januari 2020)
3)   Ayurvedic Management of Cardiovascular disorders
(29 februari & 1 maart 2020)
4)   Ayurveda as a Adjuvant Relief  for Cancer 
(18 & 19 april 2020)
5)   Geriatric Health Care through Ayurveda
(30 & 31 mei 2020)


Practical information

Contact hours? 10 lesson days, 5 weekends. Participation in exams is mandatory.
Where? School of Ayurveda, campus Sint-Vincentius, Brandweerstraat 4 in Gent
Teacher? Dr. Shubhangee 
Language? Easy to understand English
Price? €1250 or €285 per weekend. This includes syllabus, tea, coffee, refreshments
Receive up to 40% discount with the KMO portfolio.
Start? 30 november & 1 december 2019
All dates of this course? Click here.

Register? Send the signed registration form via Your registration is only definitive after receipt of the course fee via BE25 7380 0812 4982 stating your name + ayurvedic pathology.